Your LinkedIn Profile Was Viewed By a Recruiter - Now What?
Best Practices for LinkedIn After a Recruiter Has Viewed Your Profile

What Do You Do When a Recruiter Has Viewed Your LinkedIn Profile?

What Do You Do When a Recruiter Has Viewed Your LinkedIn Profile?The etiquette required in connecting/contacting people on LinkedIn can make professionals at all levels somewhat anxious.

Recruiting Trends predicted years ago, that by now, every professional in the US would eventually have a profile on LinkedIn. In case you’re wondering, NO … this prediction has yet to become reality.

Though, recruiters have found themselves changing and adapting their talent recruitment strategies in favor of LinkedIn because this ONE site has essentially put talent all “under one roof.”

[ctt template=”11″ link=”5jC1k” via=”yes” nofollow=”yes”]Recruiters posting jobs to job boards (e.g. #TheLadders, #CareerBuilder) are expected to fizzle out.[/ctt]

What does that mean to you as a job seeker?

This means you should be optimally leveraging LinkedIn … when you are an active job seeker, obviously, but also to build and nurture your network for future use. There’s always an opportunity for reaching out to potential employers. Now or later.

The thing to recognize is that people who look at your profile are usually there for a reason. Maybe your profile was shared with a job poster? While some may be recruiters, others could be friends or former co-workers trying to reconnect.

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Maybe your profile was shared with a job poster? While some may be recruiters, others could be friends or former co-workers trying to reconnect.

So, what do you do when a recruiter has viewed your profile on LinkedIn? Or, maybe your profile was shared with the job poster? Should you reach out to hiring managers on LinkedIn?

3 Steps You Should Take After an HR Manager/Recruiter Has Viewed Your LinkedIn Profile

Once you improve your LinkedIn profile, you quickly learn that attracting recruiters to your LinkedIn profile isn’t too difficult.

Not Sure What To Tell Recruiters About You? Do You Need Help Writing a Much Improved LinkedIn Profile? Learn more about these LinkedIn profile writing services.

Once you have your LinkedIn profile setup, be sure to check out the “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” feature offered by LinkedIn. This comes in handy for seeing who has viewed your profile and potentially shown interest in connecting with you.

So, what do you do after a recruiter has viewed your LinkedIn profile?

This question came up in a LinkedIn Group discussion recently and the comments from career professionals, job seekers, and recruiters are worth sharing.

1. Pick up the phone or email.

According to Steve Nicholls, career coach said, “They [hiring managers] may have looked at your profile and not quite found what they were looking for. A phone call could help clarify that, in fact, you are a fit for whatever role they have in mind when they viewed your profile. Picking up the phone can often be the best course of action. They may have moved on to other candidates by the time they see your invitation.”

2. Send an invitation to connect.

Scott Meyer, a retained executive recruiter said, “I view this as similar to thank-you notes—should be standard practice to send an invitation to connect if a recruiter has viewed someone’s profile.”

Be sure to personalize the invite to make it more meaningful.

Need an example of what to say to a recruiter on LinkedIn?

Martin Ellis suggests, “I noticed you reviewed my LinkedIn profile recently. If there’s anything of mutual interest, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. I would also welcome a connection if you judged that appropriate.”

3. Check out your visitor’s profile.

Martin Ellis, an executive recruiter, always thanks people for checking his profile or accepting his invitations to connect.

You may find potential job opportunities listed on a recruiter’s LinkedIn profile or helpful resources.

A job seeker mentioned that he lets people know what he is looking for and asks if they would like to see his resume or chat for a minute. He also offers referrals (pay it forward) for positions they may have open.

Some visitors to your profile may be “anonymous” and, in that case, there is no way to respond to them.

The best cumulative advice is to “do something.”

[ctt template=”11″ link=”5jC1k” via=”yes” nofollow=”yes”]The best cumulative career advice is to “do something.” There’s a lot to be said about consistency and persistency. [/ctt]

Don’t let potential opportunities pass you by.

The LinkedIn platform encourages interaction.

If you are serious about adding to your network and connecting with recruiters, building relationships through LinkedIn is key.

Ideally, tell recruiters what they need to know about you right from the start. Be sure to hire a LinkedIn profile writer so you don’t lose valuable connections and job queries.

Additional Articles For Optimizing Your LinkedIn Page

Secrets of Successful LinkedIn Profile (eBook)

Secrets of Successful LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is the #1 social media tool for connecting with professionals and businesses. Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Is it up-to-date and compelling?

Secrets of a Successful LinkedIn Profile takes you through the basics of setting up an account, optimizing your profile, creating an attention-getting summary thru building connections, finding people, companies, and positions. There are LinkedIn job search strategies that a seasoned professionals will find helpful in this ebook, as well as bonus materials. $10.00

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In The News

With a massive 400+ million users, Microsoft announced its purchase of LinkedIn in June 2016 for $26.2 billion. Some state that this latest acquisition is one of Microsoft’s biggest moves (MS also acquired Yammer in 2012 for $1.2 billion) to be in the social media space. LinkedIn offers companies like Microsoft a much wider online social presence, and therefore offers a much wider audience to sell to.

CareerDirectionsLLC - Louise Garver

Meet Louise Garver, a Multi-Certified Resume Writer & Career Coach

“I’ve helped thousands of frustrated job searchers to dramatically shorten the stressful time of job search and career transition to win the job of their choice at the salary they deserve.” 


Do you need help with your LinkedIn profile? Fill out the below form and let’s schedule a brief call to further discuss your LinkedIn project. Completing the below will take only 2 minutes. 

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