What To Consider Before Hiring a Resume Writer ‒ Important
What To Consider Before Hiring a Resume Writer

What To Consider Before Hiring a Resume Writer

Answers to Questions About Working With a Resume Writer - What You Need to Know

Before hiring a resume writer, you must first realize that you need one. Not everyone does. I realize this might sound like odd advice coming from a resume writer.

There are times when hiring a resume writer is a must. For example, if you’ve applied for jobs that you knew you were perfect for. But, failed to get even a brief pre-screening interview.

This is generally a red flag worth paying attention to.

What to Consider If You’ve Never Worked With a Resume Writer Before

If you’ve lost out on job opportunities, not getting interviews like you should, hiring a resume writer might be the ideal next step.

Chances are you haven’t worked with a resume writer before. That’s okay. Working with a resume writer is rather painless and can widen your view on the whole job search process.

Generally, working with a resume writer goes something like this.

First, you submit your current resume for review by the resume writer.

Second, you then schedule a brief consultation to discuss what your resume needs.

Third, you can expect a quote and time to complete your resume project.

Fourth, the writing part of your project kicks off with a questionnaire. This part of the process happens by phone or email.

Fifth, the writer begins writing your resume. Of course, every project differs so expect your project to take a few days up to 2-3 weeks to complete. You might think this is time-consuming, yet, this is something you don’t want to be rushed.

Reasons For Hiring a Credential Resume Writer

A credentialed resume writer could hold a variety of resume writing certifications. For example, the resume certifications I hold include:

  • Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM)
  • Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

These certifications mean that I proved my resume writing skills, judged by a team of my peers.

Many of the credentials I have need ongoing training to maintain my designation.

A credentialed resume writer offers professionals like you several great benefits, such as:

1. Takes over the burden of writing your resume. Writing resumes that “sells” professionals is something a credentialed resume writer delivers.

2. Saves you time and energy that’s best spent elsewhere.

Resumes have changed in recent years.

And although you can write a resume yourself, you can save time and energy by not writing it yourself. This keeps you from having to learn about what to do/not do with your resume.

3. Provides you with a much-needed advantage is an ever-saturated job market. A credentialed resume writer provides you that “leg up” to secure more interviews/job offers.

Is Hiring a Resume Writer Unethical?

Resume writers will tell you that hiring a resume is NOT unethical.

No surprise there.

Yet, there are times when hiring a resume writer can be unethical.

For example, take professionals applying for acceptance into an MBA program. A resume is generally required as part of the MBA application process. Acceptance staff use resumes as part of the candidate review process.

So yes, this is a time when hiring a resume writer might not be ideal.

This is because acceptance committees WANT resumes written by students, not resume writers.

Are Credentialed Resume Writers a Significant Investment?

There’s a story that Picasso was sitting in a bar in Paris and a woman approached him for a sketch for her on a napkin.

He drew her portrait and handed her the drawing — and a request for a considerable amount of money.

She was outraged. “But it only took you five minutes!” she protested. “No, madam, it took me all my life,” replied Picasso.

Gathering info, writing, and designing a customized resume takes time. The value of your written resume originates in the skill of the writer.

You are also benefiting from what Picasso recognized as his biggest asset. A lifetime of knowledge and experience.

In Conclusion

Hiring a resume writer is a time and financial investment on your part.

No doubt.

Yet, the career ROI can be well worth these investments. Plus, there’s comfort that goes along with hiring a resume writer.

A writer who is credentialed and experienced can have an impact on the trajectory of your career.

That’s worth consideration.

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Simply schedule a consultation to tell us about yourself. From there, we will tailor a plan for your unique situation and needs.