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Search Results for: resume

How to Succeed in Networking – How to Target Your Networking Efforts

The #1 Way to Succeed in Networking   I realize that when professionals network, they want something. So why do I start this blog out with “giving”? It is kind of like the “pay it forward” concept. The theory is if you help people with something that is important to them, they will be more […]

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Is Your Paycheck Getting in The Way of Your Success? (Part 1 of 3-Part Series)

Well, you are employed and bringing home a paycheck, but are you happy with your position and career direction? Does your employer value your contributions to the company? Are you being paid what you know you are worth? If your initial reaction to the first question, “is your paycheck getting in the way of your

Is Your Paycheck Getting in The Way of Your Success? (Part 1 of 3-Part Series) Read More »

3 Things That Will Get You Blacklisted With Recruiters

Executives beware! Recruiters are speaking out about what irritates them and what could get you blacklisted. A survey of 1,500 recruiters by Bullhorn, a recruiting software company, recently shared its results: 1. Applying to positions you are not qualified to perform. 43% of recruiters might blacklist a candidate for continually sending resumes in for different positions.

3 Things That Will Get You Blacklisted With Recruiters Read More »

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