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Job Interview Tips & FAQs

5 Tough Interview Questions Managers & Executives Need to Master

The toughest interview questions are “floating out there” for today’s executives and managers. Searching for new employment is difficult enough. Unfortunately, you now have to worry about those tricky questions too. For example, a question like “How long are you willing to fail, before you X”? can stump even the most seasoned interviewer. Answering tough interview questions […]

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No-Nonsense Approach to Closing That Interview & Landing The Job

Steve left the interview smiling and totally convinced that he had “connected with the hiring manager.” As he stated, “The job is mine to lose.” Now that the interview was over, he just had to sit back and wait for the magical phone call. Right? While Steve went about his usual activities, the interviewers compared

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Are You Prepared for These Unconventional Interview Questions?

Recruiters and hiring managers are always trying to cope with massive numbers of executive candidates applying for positions. The old standby interview questions like “Tell me about yourself” or “What are your strengths and weaknesses,” will not provide the type of information needed to weed out the ordinary from the extraordinary executive. Do you need

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You Didn’t Get The Job – Here Are 5 Reasons Why

You didn’t get the job. All factors point to you being the perfect candidate for the job too, which can be the most angering of the job-search process. You have the right experience, exude leadership talent, possess above-average interview skills—but you didn’t get the job. It’s likely that even if you ask the recruiter or

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The Truth Behind Pre-Screen, Virtual, And Phone Interviews

There can be some confusion between a pre-screen interview, virtual interview, and phone interview. While they are similar, there are differences. Virtual interviews generally precede in-person interviews. The purpose of this interview is for the interviewer to decide whether to invite you to the next interview. If you do not make a good impression in

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What You Need to Know About Non-Traditional Interview Questions

What seasoned recruiters have learned: Most standard interview questions are simply not designed to allow an executive to show off their capabilities, ideas, and innovation. Recruiters are bored with cookie cutter interview questions and the answers people give, which don’t reveal what a recruiter really needs to know. Here are a few non-traditional interview questions

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How To Leverage Your Age As An Asset In An Interview

The chances of job hunters running into age discrimination is likely, and as the population grows older, this issue becomes more of a reality especially since it’s partly about health and money.  How do you turn your age and years of experience into an advantage? 1.         Be prepared for those inappropriate questions. There’s nothing that

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Questions Every Executive Job Seeker Should Be Prepared to Ask In An Interview

Job interviews aren’t meant to be an interrogation, however, many times they feel like they are.  They are supposed to be a dialogue. An interview is as much about making sure the company is a fit for you as it is that you are a fit for the company. When the interviewer finally gets around

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