Keep That Job and Hug it! 4 Power Tips < Career Directions Intl, LLC

Keep That Job and Hug it! 4 Power Tips

Contrary to Johnny Paycheck’s song “You can take this job and shove it,” many executives want to keep their current job. Even if a great opportunity comes along in the future, an executive looks much more attractive to a prospective employer if he/she is currently employed.

4 power tips:

Power of positive thinking.  Henry Ford knew what he was talking about when he said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” You may believe this concept is too simple, but time and time again executives who sport a positive attitude have been on the winning end of job offers. Put positive thoughts into your career, celebrate successes, and acknowledge milestones.

Power of a ready resume. Are you prepared if opportunity knocks? Keeping track of accomplishments is key to support your value to an organization for a promotion and/or raise in salary.  Keeping your resume up-to-date is also essential to be able to jump quickly if approached by a recruiter or a hiring manager for a potential job.

Power of a nurtured network. Fostering your network should be second nature to an executive. The idea of “giving before asking” is a proven tactic when networking – be a resource to your network. The more people in your network, the wider net you can cast when in need.

Power of tracking trends. Don’t be caught off-guard by lagging behind industry trends, technology, organizational changes, and other factors that could affect your employability. Staying current and aware gives you an edge over your colleagues and competitors.

As the new year unfolds, use these powerful tips to help position yourself as the best executive for your current or future job.

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