3 Things That Will Get You Blacklisted With Recruiters < Career Directions Intl, LLC

3 Things That Will Get You Blacklisted With Recruiters

Executives beware! Recruiters are speaking out about what irritates them and what could get you blacklisted. A survey of 1,500 recruiters by Bullhorn, a recruiting software company, recently shared its results:

1. Applying to positions you are not qualified to perform. 43% of recruiters might blacklist a candidate for continually sending resumes in for different positions. They will pull an executive’s name from future searches if they encounter this too many times. Some jobs have cross-functional duties, and a well-qualified executive could navigate both sales and marketing positions successfully. What recruiters see more of, for example, is a sales executive applying for a job as a biotech research scientist, without having the experience level or extensive educational requirements to be a valid candidate.

2. Exaggerating your qualifications so you’re a better fit for the job. 21% of recruiters were turned off by this and run into this more than one would think.  There is a difference between slight overstatement and an absolute lie. You may stretch facts to fit a position but look at the reality.

Do you match 75% of the skills, talents, and qualifications for the job?

What ultimately happens is that it comes down to an integrity issue that waves a red flag for recruiters. And, if ever working with that recruiter in the future, could squash your chances no matter how valid a candidate you are.

3. Hounding recruiters for updates more than once a week.  11% of recruiters surveyed said they don’t have time to respond to the multitudes of inquiries that come in daily, let alone numerous pestering emails and calls to follow up multiple times a week. It influences their opinion of that executive who is emailing or calling more than every week or two. Show persistence without being a stalker.

When you are at the executive level in business, there is no way around it—at some point, you will encounter recruiters. Recruiters, like anyone, appreciate courtesy, and respect for their time, and anything you can do to make their job easier is a plus for you. They will remember if you refer a colleague or friend who is better qualified for the position because it helps them find the perfect candidate to fill the job. Most recruiters return the favor—keeping your resume in their database for future job openings.

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