What’s Holding You Back in Your Job Search? 4 Revealing Strategies.
Why are executives relying on ancient techniques to conduct job search?

What’s Holding You Back in Your Job Search? 4 Revealing Strategies.

What’s Holding You Back in Your Job Search? 4 Revealing Strategies.Job search has changed over the years almost as much as technology. We’re no longer lugging around a cell phone the size of a large sub sandwich or using an electric typewriter.

So why are executives relying on ancient techniques to conduct job search?

  1. Social media. So many executives are reluctant to embrace social media, especially during job search. And yes, there is a real concern that a current boss or peers might come across something you post that might hint that you are looking for a new position. However, social media is here to stay and learning the finesse of how to use it during a job search (whether currently employed or not) is a skill that needs developing.

There have been many blogs written about how to use social media during job search, so I won’t repeat all the points here, other than to say: LinkedIn is one of the most important social media platforms an executive can utilize during job search.

Here are a few links to useful information regarding using social media and LinkedIn:

What Recruiters Are Looking for in an Executive LinkedIn Profile

  1. Networking & referrals. You’ve probably heard that networking is the best way to find a new job. Statistics have proven that this is true. But not every executive embraces the theory that networking reaps the best results. Referrals are considered the new currency in filling top-level positions – and why wouldn’t you want to be part of that payout?

What recruiters and hiring managers are telling us is that they will go through their referrals before looking at anyone else. Industry leaders predict that in three to five years if you are referred, you are 14 times more likely to get the job. For more information:

How to Mobilize Your Network to Help You Land a Job Faster

Do you know the secret behind successful networking?

  1. Fear of not finding the perfect next job. Until you are hired and on the job, there’s no way to guarantee that this next position and/or company is a perfect fit. There are fewer opportunities at the top of the pyramid where executives are hired. Instead of letting this hold you back from searching, challenge yourself to identify what’s most important to you in your next position. Is it location? Company culture? Salary?

Remember that the “job” is only part of the equation to figuring out if you’d be happy at a new company. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that if you change companies, you’ll be happier. The scenery may change but you may be dragging the same issues with you to a new job. These articles may help you gain more insight into this dilemma:

Don’t Accept a Job Offer Before Asking Yourself These 9 Questions!

Executive Alert: Are You in the Wrong Job?

  1. Showcasing your executive value to stand out. Back in the day, a marketing executive might have used a creative gimmick to get the attention of a hiring manager by sending a man’s dress shoe to the company with a resume or special report inside. Today, identifying and managing a solid career brand is more effective.

Of course, there is no magic bullet. Identify what strategies would work best for you, your industry, and target market.

Would blogging or vlogging communicate your career brand and unique value proposition to recruiters and hiring managers?

Do you have a personal website that acts as your online resume?

Is your LinkedIn profile up-to-date?

What are other successful executive job seekers doing that you are not?

Check out this useful post about video blogging:

How can Video Blogging/Vlogging Help An Executive?

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