Don’t Accept a Job Offer Before Asking Yourself These 9 Questions!

Don’t Accept a Job Offer Before Asking Yourself These 9 Questions!

It may have been a long road for you to get from successfully getting and “passing” those interviews to subsequently getting to the job offer. Even if the time you invested in job search was short, you are more than likely ready to get settled into a new job. But, before you make that all-important decision have you asked yourself…

1. Will this job help me reach my short- or long-term career goals? Be honest—is this job to help you bridge a gap in positions (pay the bills) or to help you learn new skills? And if it is, that’s okay if it buys you some time to look for the ideal job and builds up your skill level.

2. Will this job interfere with my efforts to find my ideal position? If you accept this job, will you be able to keep looking for the perfect next job? Carving out time and staying on task to keep looking is imperative to your career future.

3. Will I like what I’m doing in this job? You usually don’t know how long you will be in a position, so you’ll want to consider how tolerable this job will be. Of course, keep in mind that your frame of mind will also have an effect on your happiness.

4. Do I have the aptitude to succeed? The learning curve may be quite steep in this new job. Do you have what it takes to quickly get up to speed? Do you have a mentor or support through your network to help you navigate the learning curve and be successful?

5. Does this job have well-defined benchmarks? You don’t want to start a job that sets you up for failure. Do you know what the expectations and goals are for the person accepting this job? Make sure there are standards of accomplishment and metrics for success well laid out.

6. What contributions can I make? Every job in your career should illustrate your value to the organization. Will this job have opportunities for you to excel? Exceed expectations? Contribute to long-term goals?

7. Will I fit in with the people and company culture? Well, no one really knows the answer to this question until they have spent some time in the job. But most executives have some intuition about the person who will be their new boss and a few colleagues. In most cases, you would not be getting an offer if the people in the company didn’t think they could get along with you. During the interview process, be sure you observe the work environment and ask questions that can give you the insight you need.

8. Do I really want to work for this company? Of course, you have already researched the company before the interview, right? But did you conduct thorough industry research? Check the company’s recent performance? Google what’s being said about the company? Asked why this position is open? Use your professional network as well as your research to help you make an informed decision.

9. Is the compensation sufficient? Whether this is an interim position or meant to be a long-term career move, consider all the benefits offered: base salary, bonuses, vacation time, flex time, frequency of compensation reviews, education allowances, etc. If you have negotiated well, you should feel you are being well compensated for your value to the organization.

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