No-Nonsense Approach to Closing That Interview & Landing The Job
Secrets To Interviewing That Every Executive Should Know

No-Nonsense Approach to Closing That Interview & Landing The Job

No-Nonsense Approach to Closing That Interview & Landing The Job

Steve left the interview smiling and totally convinced that he had “connected with the hiring manager.”

As he stated, “The job is mine to lose.”

Now that the interview was over, he just had to sit back and wait for the magical phone call.


While Steve went about his usual activities, the interviewers compared notes, and the search to fill the position continued.

“He seems to have the skills we need,” said the hiring manager. “But, I don’t think this applicant is really interested. He never gave any indication he even wants the job.”

Lack of interest or enthusiasm during the interview process is on the top 10 list of reasons for candidate rejection.

Apparently, Steve did not realize that. Nor did he understand just how important it is to follow up after an interview, beginning with a thank you letter to each interviewer.

In addition to competence, employers want someone they would like to work with and who wants to work with them.

During the interview, always show your excitement and enthusiasm about the position (assuming you are being genuine).

[Related: 5 Tough Interview Questions Executives Need To Master]


Besides stating your interest in the particular position, remember the following points during the final moments of your interview:

1. Express your gratitude to the interviewer for the opportunity you have been given – no matter how the interview went.

2. Find out if there is anything else you can do (for example, sending samples of your work) that might give the interviewer a better sense of what you can contribute to the organization. Be sure you answer, “why should we hire you?”

3. Tell the interviewer that you are confident in your ability to perform the responsibilities and make a contribution.

4. Ask what the next steps are in the selection process and when a decision is expected to be made.

5. Follow up can help you turn an interview into an offer by knocking out your competition, reassuring the hiring manager of your capabilities, or turning a losing situation into a winning one.

Effective follow-up depends on knowing what happened in the interview, so be sure to take a few notes after each job interview.

For example, answer these questions and log your answers for future reference:

  • How did it go?
  • What did they say? 
  • What unconventional interview questions were asked?
  • How many people were seen and how much time was spent with each one?
  • What role did each one play and who was important?
  • Who was the decision-maker?
  • What non-traditional interview questions were asked?
  • Which one was likely to influence the hiring decision?
  • How quickly do they plan to decide? When can expect a follow-up?
  • What you offer that your competition doesn’t?
  • What problems does the interviewer have and what solutions did you recommend?

Then, follow up with each person with whom you interviewed with a computer-generated letter of thanks – regardless of how the interview went. Your goal is to influence the interviewers.

Were you stumped on what YOU should have asked the interviewer? Here is a list of questions every executive job seeker should be prepared to ask during an interview.

Address the following areas in your thank you letters:

Apply the same tone reflected in the conversation during the interview (friendly, formal, etc.).

Reaffirm your interest in the position and thank the interviewer for the time given to you.

Recap your key qualifications that apply to the position, your understanding of the employer’s immediate needs and what can you do to make his or her job easier.

Any objections to your candidacy. For example, you may know they typically hire someone with a different background from yours.

Reiterate the commitment you made at the end of the interview and state the next steps.

For example, “I’d like to get together with you to discuss my ideas on…” or “If I don’t hear from George within the next week or so, I’ll follow up with a call.”

Move the process along to the next step at the employer’s pace – not yours. The next steps could include another meeting with the hiring manager or other people, discussion of your ideas for a new project, or a proposal on how you would handle a certain area.

The timing of your letter depends on the hiring manager’s sense of urgency and personality. If the situation is urgent, mail or hand-deliver your letter(s) immediately.

In addition, it is possible to influence the hiring decision by contacting anyone else who can help you.

Think of the people (your references or mutual contacts) the hiring manager will most likely call for information.

Call them, tell them about the position, and ask for their support by putting in a good word for you.

This may seem like hard work.

However, how badly do you want the job?

Every step of the interview process is an opportunity to make an impression. Create the best possible impression right from the beginning. It will be well worth your effort.

Secrets to Interviewing That Every Executive Should KnowSecrets To Interviewing That Every Executive Should Know

Tired of going on interviews and not getting any job offers to show for your efforts?

Getting that job interview is only “half the battle” because what happens next is where the real sweat happens. In fact, the interview process is what trips up many executive and management candidates, just like you.

With this download, Secrets To Interviewing That Every Executive Should Know, you learn how to leverage the different interviewing styles we face today, identify ideal interview questions (and answers too!), explore follow-up strategies, and so on. BONUS: This ebook also contains valuable worksheets and bonus materials.

Secrets To Interviewing That Every Executive Should Know gives you the information you need to feel confident going into that next job interview! 

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