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Search Results for: resume

What You Need to Know About These Changes to CEO Roles.

Significant changes in the leadership roles of CEOs are evident globally. Companies need executive leaders with: • Long-term vision, strategy, and ability to adapt to change • Deep understanding of their industry and competitor industries that will have an affect on their industry, as well as lead and inspire transformation • Ability to engage and

What You Need to Know About These Changes to CEO Roles. Read More »

Executives: How to Be Prepared for Your Next Interview – Part 1 of 2

It’s a known fact that January through March/April are the biggest hiring months of the year. Employers who have been holding off on new hires towards the end of the year are now ready to fill positions. If your resume has done its job, you should have interviews scheduled for January. Over the next two

Executives: How to Be Prepared for Your Next Interview – Part 1 of 2 Read More »

What Hiring Managers Want: 7 Critical Things Executives Need to Know

Knowing what’s important to hiring managers, what they want to hear from a candidate during an interview, and what factors impact their decisions are key. To position yourself as the perfect candidate, consider these seven things: 1. Honesty is critical. Be honest with yourself first and foremost. Is this really the best next career step

What Hiring Managers Want: 7 Critical Things Executives Need to Know Read More »

Why Didn’t I Get the Job Offer? 6 Interview Mistakes Executives Make

The resume did its job and you are called for a job interview.  After the interview, you don’t hear back from the employer or recruiter. You are left wondering what happened. 1.  Wait, what time is it? There are no excuses! You can imagine a recruiter or employer has heard them all, and they have. 

Why Didn’t I Get the Job Offer? 6 Interview Mistakes Executives Make Read More »

Successfully Career Transition to a New Position After Being Fired

Whether you think you might be in danger of losing your job, or you’ve already been terminated, this blog may help you make the successful career transition to your next job. [Note: Be sure to check out these success stories with clients.] What’s important to remember is that you can be great at your job

Successfully Career Transition to a New Position After Being Fired Read More »

Have You Ever Turned Down a Job Offer? 7 Things You Need To Know!

Executives in job search are generally good evaluators of job offers extended by potential employers. However, sometimes reasoning and decisions can become clouded by prolonged unemployment, financial crisis, or other stressors that become important when in job search mode. Charles Purdy, Monster Senior Editor, recently posted an article “Seven Employer Danger Signs: When to Turn

Have You Ever Turned Down a Job Offer? 7 Things You Need To Know! Read More »

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