Is Your Paycheck Getting in The Way of Your Success? (Part 2 of 3-Part Series) < Career Directions Intl, LLC

Is Your Paycheck Getting in The Way of Your Success? (Part 2 of 3-Part Series)

Have you talked yourself out of looking for a new job because it’s too much work?

As we all know, looking for a job can be a full-time job. Or, it may be so overwhelming to even think about embarking on the job search path that you decide to stay with your current employer even though you are not fulfilled. You justify not taking action because you are bringing home a paycheck, and yet, that may be de-motivating you from reaching your true career goals.

Last week, I challenged job seekers to use this year to put a short- and/or long-term career action plan into place. I hope you started! I realize how vulnerable some executives feel getting back into the job search ring. So, here are more ideas for May through August that should help you get underway.

If you missed it, last week I introduced January through April. If you missed it Click here

May – Ever thought of volunteering? Many high-level executives lend a hand with their favorite charities. You may think this is an unexpected place to meet people who you can network with to further your career. That’s definitely a myth. And, in a lot of instances, these volunteer agencies desperately need management-type individuals to help their organizations. If you have been unemployed for a while, it is also an opportunity to sharpen your skills for your next position.

June – Contacts won’t do you much good if you don’t reach out to them. Perhaps you have read an article or blog with industry-related data that would be informative to some people on your list. Or, you have a link to new technology that could be beneficial to others. Send an email, or make a quick call to those contacts to stay in touch and keep your name in their mind.

July – Summer is in full swing, college graduates are flooding the job market, and what are you doing this month? Planning your vacation? Well, just like planning a vacation, devote some time to keep up with your industry. Is your field being phased out in your area? Are you noticing downward trends in growth nationwide? Where are your opportunities going to come from? Is there something you need to do to strengthen your skill set to transition to another industry? Take this month to figure this out. You’ll find it’s better than any epic novel, and you gain the benefits!

August – Watch for the red flags. Just like the lifeguards that post warning flags for dangerous water conditions, there are warning signs in the workplace, but people don’t always pay attention. Are you noticing downsizing? Have you heard rumors of a sale or merger? Industry publications can also reveal what others are saying about your industry and maybe even your company.

Of course, any of these strategies can be combined, or put into a shorter-term plan. What’s most important is to get started. This series of articles is intended to stimulate your mind about what you can do today to feed your career and achieve your goals.

Ready to get started and get results?

Simply schedule a consultation to tell us about yourself. From there, we will tailor a plan for your unique situation and needs.