How to Attract Employers & Recruiters

How to Attract Employers & Recruiters

You want to attract employers and recruiters because being proactive is a better job-search strategy.

You can do all the right things to get the attention of recruiters with a professionally written resume, bio, LinkedIn profile, answering job listings, networking … the works!

And all those things are important and do get noticed by hiring managers.

Yet, there are still a few lesser-known strategies that seem to attract employers and recruiters to you like a magnet.

Here Are 4 Strategies to Attract Employers & Recruiters — So You Have a More Successful Job Search

1. Blog

That’s right. Blog!

I know you are an executive with little time on your hands to create a blog site, material, and be consistent in posting fresh material.

If your blog is industry focused it can highlight your ideas, expertise, personal brand and showcase your unique value proposition to potential employers. The blog site can also act as a mini online resume in the information about you area.

Many ways to show-off your talent here.


If starting your own blog just isn’t something that you are willing or able to engage in during your job search, consider how you can contribute to other published sources. These can be industry blogs, news-related journals or online magazines, books, radio shows, teleseminars, conferences, the list is almost endless.

Being quoted or sought out for your expertise sets you apart from your competition.

Your name keeps showing up in the Wall Street Journal quoted as saying X and so on.

Being quoted reflects you as a professional worth being quoted and therefore increases your credibility with recruiters and employers.

3. Informational Interviews

Many executives resist conducting informational interviews and prefer to find out about the players in the industry through the internet or other resources.

And that’s one way.

However, informational interviews are powerful and effective for both job search and professional networking. aking stronger connections with someone new by taking a few minutes to find out about their career and experience gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself and your brand. Stick to the facts and don’t ask for a job. Keep the interview informational and relationship building only.

Making stronger connections with someone new by taking a few minutes to find out about their career and experience gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself and your brand. Stick to the facts and don’t ask for a job. Keep the interview informational and relationship building only.

4. Public Speaking

Getting yourself in front of audiences (industry related or not) can have a powerful effect on your job search.

Associations and business organizations are always looking for speakers for their events.

Present on topics of interest, your expertise in a particular industry, or on subjects like marketing, sales, etc. These could be in-person seminars or virtual webinars. The venue isn’t as important as the fact that you are reaching beyond your network to communicate to people about what you know. It shows you are a confident leader with true value to share with others.

Try one of these magnet-attracting strategies to expedite your job search. The results will be worth it!

Also, don’t overlook the importance of working with an executive resume writer and career coach. Be sure to contact me about scheduling an initial consultation to discuss your resume writing and career coaching needs.

Ready to get started and get results?

Simply schedule a consultation to tell us about yourself. From there, we will tailor a plan for your unique situation and needs.