An Inside View of the Recruiting Pipeline < Career Directions Intl, LLC
An Inside View of the Recruiting Pipeline

An Inside View of the Recruiting Pipeline

As an executive, your job search strategy is uniquely different. Unlike mid-level or entry-level professionals, you cannot easily extract an extensive list of job openings from a simple online search.

Executive stakeholders at organizations are seeking a small pool of highly qualified candidates with top-notch industry reputation to interview for their most critical leadership roles. Those executive candidates will execute their business strategy and shape the company’s future.

So, what is the most effective way to conduct your job search? According to Lever, a provider of talent acquisition software, referrals are still the most impactful resource for landing your right-fit job. In Lever’s article, Inside the Recruiting Funnel, explains how the recruiting outcome varies for applicants, referrals, sourced candidates, and agency referred candidates. The likelihood of a candidate being reviewed and advancing from the review, interview, and offer stage differs based on the origin of their candidacy.

According to the article, out of 1.5 million candidates, only 17% of candidate resumes are screened and only 1.2% of all candidates are hired. Therefore, it is critical that you implement an effective job search that goes beyond working with search firms.

There are several distinct types of candidates. Applicants are candidates who apply for an opportunity through a job board or online career page or submit directly to the human resources department. Referred candidates are introduced to the company through current employees, company partners, or other stakeholders. Sourced or passive candidates are those who are approached by someone at the company for an opportunity, and agency candidates are presented via recruiting firms.

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