Top Industries To Find Jobs < Career Directions Intl, LLC

Top Industries To Find Jobs

No matter where you are in your career or job search, these statistics are worth your attention. In previous years, we’ve seen job industries increase and decline. The length of periods of unemployment between jobs is also on the rise.

So, what industries are looking for and hiring employees?

Health Care

Given the aging baby boomers, health care leads the list of job creators. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, health care and social assistance programs are projected to generate about 28% of all new jobs in the U.S. economy. And if you think the jobs for this industry don’t apply to executives, you are wrong. Many hospitals and large healthcare facilities are looking for director-level employees.

Look a bit outside the box (beyond the doctors, nurses and support staff) at all the industries and products that interface with health care such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical software and tools, medical diagnostic services, insurance, uniforms, etc. They all need executives to manage their business and lead their teams, create new products, and figure out ways to generate more profits.

Professional and Business Services

Employment in computer systems, design, and related services is expected to jump by 47%, spurred by growing demand for computer network and mobile technologies. A 58% increase is anticipated for management, scientific, and technical consulting services by the year 2020.


Now you may be saying to yourself, retail? Really? I’m an executive and long gone are the days of working at the Gap to make ends meet while in college. Look outside the stereotypical “retail,” and think about operations, IT, marketing, finance – all have executive-level opportunities.

Check out what retail executives Dick Cantwell, VP, Internet Business Solutions Group for Retail, Cisco, Mike Terzich, SCP, Global Sales and Marketing, Zebra Technologies, Ian Rawlins, VP, Retail Product Marketing, Epicore Software and others have to say about technology for 2013.


Surprised that nonprofits made the list?

According to new surveys of more than 580 organizations, 44% of nonprofit groups plan to hire more people as the economy recovers. Health-related nonprofits, environmental and animal welfare groups are most likely to lead in hiring. Even if a nonprofit is considered a stepping-stone to the next level, they are worth a look for executive opportunities and learning.

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