Step One in Career Action Plan - Career Coach < Career Directions Intl, LLC

Step One in Career Action Plan – Career Coach

It’s a new year and half the planet is looking at what the new year holds for them, whether it be a career move, physically moving to a new location to live, going back to school, starting a family, etc. This month, January, more than any other month of the year, I hear from people who want their resume reviewed, revised, or rewritten. What often happens is the client doesn’t know what the next step in their career will be, what direction they want to pursue, stay in the same industry or consider a new career, think about jobs outside the state or country, or even try consulting or entrepreneurship.

Career coaching is the first step in this process. Why? Because a focused and succinct resume cannot be written without a clear goal. A great resume results in getting the hiring agent’s attention and that is accomplished because the resume has been strategically focused to a particular job opportunity. Your resume content sets you up as the ideal candidate for the job.

Getting back to career goals. If you don’t have a clear picture of what your career future looks like, then talking to a career coach can be extremely beneficial to help you gain that clarity and focus on how to achieve that success. Professional career coaches are trained and certified to help you discover your motivating skills, how to use them and what you need to develop. They help you discover the options available, what’s realistic, what’s attainable, and what could be a challenge. Career coaches act much like a sports coach, motivating and challenging you to reach your goals/new heights.

Career Action Plan
When was the last time you sat down and looked at your career goals? Hopefully it was within the last year. If not, you are overdue. Just like analyzing and setting up a new financial budget each year, your career should be given time and attention. A career coach has the tools to help you set up a career action plan unique to you. You may start with a review of career goals, self-assessment to discover your strengths, career options and a plan to move towards those career goals. Creating a plan with a career coach gives you the steps and process.

Job Search Strategy
Don’t know where to start in your job search? A career coach is the perfect partner to guide you through a process that often times seems like you are navigating a labyrinth. With the resources a career coach has available, your time will be better spent, and you will be more productive. You will notice that the outcomes far outweigh the investment of hiring a career coach.

Executive Development
Want to move up that corporate ladder? Are you just on the edge of the executive position you want? What do you need to do to achieve that success? Many large organizations provide mentors to their employees to help them develop skills and position themselves for promotions and more responsibilities. Engaging a career coach can do that for you and so much more. Through a process of identifying the perimeters of the goal, the career coach enables you to see outside yourself to uncover what works for you. They support you – like a fitness trainer – helping you to see different ways of doing things and gaining strength along the way.

Executives have learned to surround themselves with a good team, one that supports their vision and complements their talents. These team members make an executive’s job easier because they bridge the gaps and create a cohesive working environment. A career coach does much the same for you – supporting your career vision and providing resources, tools, and knowledge that complements your career goals. They also can provide a resume that showcases your talent to get the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. And after all, that’s the overall objective, to attract of the right people to connect you with the right job opportunity.

Ready to get started and get results?

Simply schedule a consultation to tell us about yourself. From there, we will tailor a plan for your unique situation and needs.